SIL’s Stay-cation 2024!

Me and 3 of my SIL’s had a stay-cation last weekend and stayed in the cutest little house. Lots of resting, reading, shopping, talking and laughing. It was just what this mama needed.

This was my favorite spot, the view was gorgeous!!

When I was talking about this trip with Rob and what was planned, including a hike that I wasn’t sure how I would do on, he reminded me that it was my vacation too and I could do what I wanted to do.  I don’t know why it took him saying that to unblock this mentality I had that I had to do everything everyone else was doing and just give myself permission to say no to what I did not want to do. I think it has to do with the fact that sometimes I still feel like an outsider with my in-laws (even though Rob and I have been together 18 years) and I am still trying to “fit in”. But I decided I did not want to do the hike, so I stayed back and enjoyed having the house to myself for a couple hours while everyone else went on a hike. And it was fine, my SIL’s understood and we all had a great weekend together. I married into the best family.

I had the house to myself and got to read my book for like 2 hours, with no interruptions!

Another thing I let go of last weekend was trying to fit in my workouts and worrying about tracking my food. I took this chance to take a break from working out and to give my body the rest that it needed. I also did not stress too much about what I was eating. The only thing I did was I made sure my water mug was filled up each day and made sure I was staying hydrated.

The hot chocolate I ordered at a place we went to for brunch one day. So pretty and so delicious!

(I also checked in with Rob about once a day just to see how things were going and give myself some peace of mind. But that was more of a me thing than a I don’t trust my husband to be a parent by himself all weekend type of thing. Everyone was fine back home like I knew they would be.)

So good to get away, but I sure did miss my family!