If anybody tells you different, they are LYING! No matter what stage you are in, they all have their challenges. And if you have more than one, what works for 1 kid may not work for the other(s). There are days where I am just in survival mode trying to make it to bedtime.
I am not just raising my kids, I am also trying to give them the tools and skills they will need when tey are adults and are on their own. I want them to be able to take care of themselves and be more independent (but also want them to stay my babies forever). It is a fine line letting them be more independent and giving them more responsibilities, but not too much that they get overwhelmed. I just want them to be happy.
Parenting is full of “AND” statements.
I love spending time with my kids AND I love my time by myself.
I love my kids AND they drive me crazy!
I want them to do things on their own AND I never want them to grow up.
It is okay to be both. You are still a good parent.