My 2 jobs.

Being a mom is HARD no matter what, if you stay home or have a full-time job outside the home, which is what I do. However, I am able to do my job at home. I have my “office” set up in our kitchen/living room. While most days it’s fine, there are some days where it just SUCKS! I don’t want to work and have my attention divided. I want to be full present with my family. BUT, we are a 1 income family, which is me (my husband is a stay at home dad), I am that 1 income. Sometimes my 20 month old just wants to sit with mom while I am working and I definitely would rather rock him in my lazy boy then pivot with him in my desk chair.

Since we are a one income family, I feel like I just can’t up & quit because my family is depending on my income. And that is a lot of pressure on me. It feels like too much sometimes.

I am so grateful though that I do have a job I can do from home and still be “with” my family.

Charlie at about 2 and a half months old. Sometimes this was the only way to get him to take a nap.
Some days he has to sit with me while I’m working.
My “office” set up.