Embracing the Journey

I was able to go on a little shopping spree with my daughter and was looking forward to trying on clothes instead of dreading it. After my 3rd baby, I did not like the way I looked or felt. Shopping for clothes was not a fun experience and I hardly bought myself any new clothes at all. 2 years later, I am still working on losing weight and getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but I am learning to enjoy the journey instead of just wishing I could be at my goal weight already. I decided I am not waiting until I am at that “perfect” weight or size, because there is no such thing. Our bodies are changing all the time through the different seasons of our lives and I am learning to embrace that. A big part of my mindset shift was becoming a partner with BODi and being surrounded by women in all walks of life. It helps having that extra support and accountability for my own journey. I want to be an example to my daughter and to others that you can work on losing weight and still like where you are at now.

Found 2 dresses that I love and am excited to wear! Plus, a cute Winnie the Pooh shirt.