Category: Wellness

  • Do at home workouts really work?

    In my opinion, 100% YES! Since the beginning of June, I am down about 10lbs and 5 inches overall. I did it doing workouts in my living room, sometimes with my kids (mainly my 2 year old who likes to do them with me :)), focusing on fueling my body with better nutrition (superfoods shake daily!),…

  • 4 Years Ago I Was Lost.

    I felt like I was just going through the motions of my life. I was not happy with how I looked or felt and knew something had to change. I joined an online fitness community, started doing workouts in my living room, eating better, and doing personal development. 4 years later and one more addition to my…

  • Your Inner Voice

    What does your inner voice say about you? We all have one. That voice in the back of our minds that tells us we are not good enough or strong enough or brave enough or creative enough, etc. That we will never get healthy and fit. That we are not a good enough mom. That…

  • Embracing the Journey

    I was able to go on a little shopping spree with my daughter and was looking forward to trying on clothes instead of dreading it. After my 3rd baby, I did not like the way I looked or felt. Shopping for clothes was not a fun experience and I hardly bought myself any new clothes…

  • 3-2-1 Nighttime Routine

    For the past few weeks, I have been doing a nighttime routine by Brendon Burchard: 3 hours before bed, no more food, 2 hours before bed, no more work, and 1 hour before bed, no more screens. Here is what I have found: I have been getting better sleep at night. I am actually more…

  • Habit Stacking

    Multi-tasking (or habit stacking) is how I can get stuff done around the house and with my business. I will listen to personal development or watch trainings while doing chores (dishes, folding clothes, etc.) or working out. Take something you already do, like dishes, laundry, brushing your teeth and just add to that. Listen to…

  • Why I became a partner with BODi?

    Growing up, I was the skinny girl. I never thought about my weight, never cared about what I was eating. Then I had 3 kids. After having my middle child, I was at my heaviest I have ever been. I didn’t like the way I looked or how I felt in my own body. I…

  • 5 tips for staying consistent with working out.

    “Exercising reminds me that the pain I feel today, will be the strength I feel tomorrow.” -Unknown Yes, I will admit, one of the main reasons I workout is I do want to lose weight and look better in my clothes. But the other reason is I am in a much better mood on the…

  • I hate the scale.

    I hate stepping on it every week. I hate not seeing what I want to see. When I step on it, I only see what choices I made the previous week, good or bad. Logically, I know that it is just a tool and only one way to measure my fitness journey. But I still…