Category: Wellness
Having a Growth Mindset
Taking care of my body is easy (most days 😊), having a growth mindset and taking care of my mind is not so easy. Once I started taking care of myself and building those habits into my day (exercising, eating right, drinking more water), I realized something was missing. That is when I started doing…
How Building Habits Help with Motivation.
When first starting on any wellness/health journey, your first instinct might be to go all in and do everything at once. I have found that this does not work. You will quickly lose motivation trying to do it all. Building habits slowly help you stick to those habits better. Let’s say you want to start…
New Year, New Goals (NOT resolutions)
I do not like “resolutions”. Whenever I have made resolutions in the past, I always fail at them. Reading the book “All It Takes is a Goal” by Jon Acuff helped me realize I need to set goals, not resolutions. I can set big goals and break those up into smaller ones. He also suggested…
Don’t wait to work on your goals.
It is officially December, which is when most people stop working on their goals. They say they will start again in the New Year and they just stop moving that needle forward this month. Do not be like most people. Use this month to gain momentum on your goals. Start the year ahead of most…
Tips for getting back on track after a set back.
“Sometimes the fastest way to get back in the game is to expect something from yourself again.” -Brendon Burchard My whole routine was thrown off the past few weeks due to sickness and a pulled back muscle. I am finally starting to feel like myself again and am getting back into my normal routine again.…
Change is coming.
This past week, BODi announced it is changing to more of an affiliate program then network marketing. So I will not be doing partner mentorships anymore but I will still be showing up every day on my own wellness journey. I know this change affected a lot of people (not all of them in a…
You don’t have to be perfect right away….
….you just have to start. You are not going to know how to do everything right away. It takes being consistent and showing up every day. If you have a big goal, start small and work your way towards that goal. One of my goals is to lose 30lbs, so I am focusing on 3…
Slowly getting back to the hobbies that I love.
I was a SAHM mom for the first 7 years of my marriage. Our situation changed and I had to back into the workforce. I have been the sole income provider for our family for the last 10 years. In that time I put some of the hobbies that I love doing on the back…
It is possible to lose weight in your 30’s!
I am a 37 year old mom of 3, 2 years postpartum with my youngest. I am down about 10lbs and 6 inches over all since April. This is my 3rd postpartum/weight loss journey and it has been a long one! I still have about 20lbs to my pre-pregnancy goal. The one thing that has…
20 minutes to get results!
I did the sample workout of a new program I am starting next week. It is a power yoga and primal movement program and I am excited to do it! It will help improve my balance, mobility and flexibility. My team has already done round 1 and the results are AMAZING! If you are looking…