Category: Holidays
Happy Halloween!
We had a great Halloween this year! We had a Halloween party with Rob’s family, a Trunk or Treat at the church and trick or Treating Halloween night. Laura and Charlie got so much candy and treats! We will be eating it until January!
Happy 4th of July!
Happy 4th of July! Laura got to be in 2 parades and had a blast! The timing between the parades was weird so we were only able to go and see her in one of them. It was so much fun seeing her marching with her color guard team. This was also the first time we…
Happy Mother’s Day!
Being a mom is the hardest, toughest, most stressful & exhausting thing I have EVER done in my entire life. But it is also the most rewarding and fulfilling and beautiful thing I have EVER done in my entire life. Growing up, I never really thought about being a mom. My dream was to be…
Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024!
2023 felt like we were in survival mode. We started the year with a 7-month-old, a 12-year-old, and an almost 15-year-old. I felt like I was finally getting the hang of pumping/breastfeeding with my 3rd, when he decided, he did not want to nurse anymore and only wanted a bottle. It was a bittersweet time…