Author: Tish
Happy 4th of July!
Happy 4th of July! Laura got to be in 2 parades and had a blast! The timing between the parades was weird so we were only able to go and see her in one of them. It was so much fun seeing her marching with her color guard team. This was also the first time we…
Your Inner Voice
What does your inner voice say about you? We all have one. That voice in the back of our minds that tells us we are not good enough or strong enough or brave enough or creative enough, etc. That we will never get healthy and fit. That we are not a good enough mom. That…
Embracing the Journey
I was able to go on a little shopping spree with my daughter and was looking forward to trying on clothes instead of dreading it. After my 3rd baby, I did not like the way I looked or felt. Shopping for clothes was not a fun experience and I hardly bought myself any new clothes…
SIL’s Stay-cation 2024!
Me and 3 of my SIL’s had a stay-cation last weekend and stayed in the cutest little house. Lots of resting, reading, shopping, talking and laughing. It was just what this mama needed. When I was talking about this trip with Rob and what was planned, including a hike that I wasn’t sure how I…
Another school year finished!
My 2 older kids had their last day of school last week. In the fall, we will have an 8th grader and an 11th grader. Somedays I feel time slipping away from me and somedays it stands so still. We have 2 more years with Larry before he becomes officially an adult (we do tell…
Charlie’s Birth Story
Charlie was born on a Thursday; I was going to be 36 weeks that following Monday. I had just had my 35-week check-up that Tuesday (2 days before he was born) and everything looked good and I was on track to deliver the next month (my due date was June 20th). My older 2 kids…
Happy Mother’s Day!
Being a mom is the hardest, toughest, most stressful & exhausting thing I have EVER done in my entire life. But it is also the most rewarding and fulfilling and beautiful thing I have EVER done in my entire life. Growing up, I never really thought about being a mom. My dream was to be…
Date your spouse.
Since our youngest is almost 2 and it is easier to leave him with his teenage brother and sister, me and Rob have been trying to go on dates at least once a month (or every other month). It helps us so much when we can do something just the 2 of us. Sometimes our…
3-2-1 Nighttime Routine
For the past few weeks, I have been doing a nighttime routine by Brendon Burchard: 3 hours before bed, no more food, 2 hours before bed, no more work, and 1 hour before bed, no more screens. Here is what I have found: I have been getting better sleep at night. I am actually more…
Chocolate Protein Muffins
I have a MAJOR sweet tooth and trying to find healthier recipes that satisfy my cravings is hard. That is why I love my chocolate protein powder! I use it to make my daily chocolate shakes and also yummy treats, like these chocolate muffins, which my kids love also, so that is a win for…