Author: Tish

  • You don’t have to be perfect right away….

    ….you just have to start. You are not going to know how to do everything right away. It takes being consistent and showing up every day. If you have a big goal, start small and work your way towards that goal. One of my goals is to lose 30lbs, so I am focusing on 3…

  • Vintage Market Days!



    This past weekend I went to Vintage Market Days with a couple of my SIL’s and my niece. I love going and it is always amazing to see so many small businesses in one place and most of them owned & run by women. All of these women had a dream and worked hard to…

  • Slowly getting back to the hobbies that I love.

    I was a SAHM mom for the first 7 years of my marriage. Our situation changed and I had to back into the workforce. I have been the sole income provider for our family for the last 10 years. In that time I put some of the hobbies that I love doing on the back…

  • Parenting is hard.

    If anybody tells you different, they are LYING! No matter what stage you are in, they all have their challenges. And if you have more than one, what works for 1 kid may not work for the other(s). There are days where I am just in survival mode trying to make it to bedtime. I…

  • It is possible to lose weight in your 30’s!

    I am a 37 year old mom of 3, 2 years postpartum with my youngest. I am down about 10lbs and 6 inches over all since April. This is my 3rd postpartum/weight loss journey and it has been a long one! I still have about 20lbs to my pre-pregnancy goal. The one thing that has…

  • 20 minutes to get results!

    I did the sample workout of a new program I am starting next week. It is a power yoga and primal movement program and I am excited to do it! It will help improve my balance, mobility and flexibility. My team has already done round 1 and the results are AMAZING! If you are looking…

  • 1st Day of School!



    My older 2 kids went back to school last week. They both had good first days and like most of their classes. They both have friends in some of their classes, which they are glad for. Larry started 11th grade! He is growing up so fast and soon he will be on his own. I…

  • Do at home workouts really work?

    In my opinion, 100% YES! Since the beginning of June, I am down about 10lbs and 5 inches overall. I did it doing workouts in my living room, sometimes with my kids (mainly my 2 year old who likes to do them with me :)), focusing on fueling my body with better nutrition (superfoods shake daily!),…

  • 4 Years Ago I Was Lost.

    I felt like I was just going through the motions of my life. I was not happy with how I looked or felt and knew something had to change. I joined an online fitness community, started doing workouts in my living room, eating better, and doing personal development. 4 years later and one more addition to my…

  • Family Stay-cation 2024

    We usually do a family vacation with my in-laws this time of year, but while they all went to Southern Utah together, we made the hard decision to stay home (a LOT of factors went into this decision). We decided it was what was best for our family and we ended up having a great…