“Exercising reminds me that the pain I feel today, will be the strength I feel tomorrow.” -Unknown

Yes, I will admit, one of the main reasons I workout is I do want to lose weight and look better in my clothes. But the other reason is I am in a much better mood on the days I do workout (this does not include my actual planned rest days).
These 5 tips below have help me stay consistent with my workouts while also being a wife, mom of 3, and having a full time job.
Tip #1-Get it done before your kids wake up. I like to get up early and get my workout done before my kids get up and before I start my full-time job. It sets a great tone for the rest of the day.
Tip #2-I know it can be hard some days to get a workout in before your kids wake up, so if that happens, let them join in! They will see that taking care of yourself is not selfish and that it is actually a good thing to do.

Tip #3: Find something you love to do! Try many different types of workouts to find one you will enjoy doing. If you won’t enjoying doing it, you won’t make working out a priority.

Tip #4: Walking counts! I love to go for walks in my neighborhood (either by myself or with my family) or if it is too cold, walking on the treadmill. It is one of my favorite ways to get a workout in, especially on the days I don’t feel like working out. 😊

Tip #5: Find a community or an accountability partner. Having someone hold you accountable to getting a workout in makes it so much easier to get it done. Text them when you are starting or when you are done and have them text you as well. It is so much better being in this with someone else.