Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024!

2023 felt like we were in survival mode. We started the year with a 7-month-old, a 12-year-old, and an almost 15-year-old. I felt like I was finally getting the hang of pumping/breastfeeding with my 3rd, when he decided, he did not want to nurse anymore and only wanted a bottle. It was a bittersweet time for me because it was a very different experience from my other 2. I nursed them both for a year (I was a stay-at-home mom then and didn’t need to pump). Things were going pretty good after that, my job was busy, but I was grateful (and still am) to be able to do it from home. My big kids were doing good, me & Rob were doing good.

At the end of July was our annual vacation with my in-laws, we were going camping at Spirit Lake this year (one of our favorite spots to go!). I decided that me and the baby were going to stay home, it was going to be easier that way, and Rob would take the big kids camping with him. Our car decided to break down while my family was in Wyoming. Thankfully, we were able to get our car and my family towed back home and luckily, my nephew left his car at our house while he rode with my MIL, so I was able to borrow it to go pick up my family and our stuff. We found out it was going to cost more to fix our car than what we still owed on it, so we just decided to tow it to our house and let it sit while we paid off the loan and saved up to buy a new car.

We have had to rely on getting rides or using my MIL truck to go places, but it is only a 3-person truck, so we have not been able to all go places and we can’t take Charlie anywhere.

I have never before picked a word for the year, but I felt that I should this year and the word that came it mind is: THRIVING.

I want to thrive this year.

Thrive in my relationships with my husband and kids.

Thrive in my health journey.

Thrive in our debt free journey.

Thrive in simplifying & decluttering my home and life.