I am by no means a perfect parent and I am still learning, even after being a mom for 17 years. The 5 tips below (in no particular order) have helped me in my parenting journey.
Take all the pictures you want. Even when people say it is too many or you are not “perfect” looking (I mean who is?) or your teens grumbling and complaining and do not smile. You are going to want to all those memories to look back on. A lot of my pictures of my 2 year old are blurry because he does not sit still and most of the ones of my teenagers, they are not smiling and are giving me dirty looks (which speaking for myself, just makes me laugh when I get rolled eyes from them). Also, take selfies. Sometimes that is the only way I am in the pictures.
The other day, my 2-year-old was playing in the pantry. He would take the spices out and line them up on the counter, then put them back and do it all over again. He was not hurting anyone or making a giant mess, and it kept him entertained for a good 20 minutes. As long as no one is in harms way, pick your battles and let your kids do what they want. Everyone will be happier.

It is hard to take care of your kids when you are not being take care of yourself. I know for myself, I am always in a better mood and can be a more patient, understanding and loving mom when I have taken care of me first. It is not selfish. Eat right, drink more water, do personal development, move your body in whatever way works best for you (going on walks, at home workouts, going to the gym, walking on the treadmill, etc.)
One of my favorite things when my oldest was a little younger was to ask him about the games he was playing. His face would light up and he would get so excited when I asked about what he was interested in. My kids love it when I ask about their interests and take the time to really listen when they talk. So, ask them questions, listen when they talk, have them teach you how to play a game or have them show you how they would do things. Get into their world.
#5-most importantly-GIVE YOURSELF GRACE
Nobody is perfect. Somedays parenting will be easier than other days. Give yourself grace. If the day did not go as, you planned and you yelled or were upset more than usual, apologize to your kid and move forward. Tomorrow is a new day.