New Year, New Goals (NOT resolutions)

I do not like “resolutions”. Whenever I have made resolutions in the past, I always fail at them. Reading the book “All It Takes is a Goal” by Jon Acuff helped me realize I need to set goals, not resolutions. I can set big goals and break those up into smaller ones.

He also suggested using 5 categories for your goals: career, finances, relationships, health & fun.

My 2025 goals are:

  1. Career-be more consistent with my blog

    I am breaking that up into smaller monthly goals by writing an average of 1 paragraph at least 5 days. My goal is to have a new post up twice a month, either Sundays or Mondays.

    2. Finances-pay off $4,812.74 in debt

    My monthly goal is to pay an average of $340 per month towards our debt.

    3. Relationships-work on being a better wife & mom

    This one is a little trickier, but how I am breaking it up is by saying one kind thing or doing one kind thing to a family member on average of 20 days a month. I think by having a number goal each month it will help me be more intentional towards how I treat my family.

    4. Health-workout 250 days AND brush teeth twice a day for 300 days

    I have 2 goals for this category. I already have a pretty good workout routine so I wanted to add another goal that I really need to work on-brushing my teeth. My monthly goals are to workout an average of 20 days per month & brush my teeth twice a day on average of 25 days per month.

    5. Fun-read 50 books

    In 2024 my goal was to read 24 books and I ended the year at 41 books! So this year my goal is to read 50 books, which is an average of 4 books per month. I am using the apps StoryGraph and Goodreads to keep track of the books I read.

    I have an average goal in each category because I know some months it will be more and some will be less. I am also making the goals fit the time I have. Right now I can easily write a paragraph a day for my blog, usually as part of my morning routine before my kids wake up. If I tried to do anymore than that I would end up giving up. Look at how you are spending each day, I bet you have 15-30 minutes you can spend on your goals. It doesn’t take a lot of time, just consistency.

    (Pease go read “All It Takes is a Goal” by Jon Acuff)