Slowly getting back to the hobbies that I love.

I was a SAHM mom for the first 7 years of my marriage. Our situation changed and I had to back into the workforce. I have been the sole income provider for our family for the last 10 years. In that time I put some of the hobbies that I love doing on the back burner, mainly reading and cross-stitching. The last few years I have been trying to get more into reading and cross-stitching. Being a wife, mom of 3, and having a full time job, it takes work to make time for both of these, but it is worth it to me. I have always been an avid reader growing up and have been cross-stitching since I was a teenager. Finding the time to do the things that I loved before becoming a wife and a mom makes me feel like me again. So I will take every chance I can; reading in the mornings before work (after big kids leave and Charlie is settled), on my lunch breaks, before going to sleep at night. I cross-stitch on the weekends while Charlie naps and I watch my shows. I make the time because it is worth it to me to help me feel like me and not just a wife and mom and employee.

My personal development book and fun book I am currently reading.
Currently working on this project for my Aunt.

I gave myself a goal to read 24 books this year (that is 2 books a month) and I am using Goodreads to keep track. I am currently 3 books ahead of my goal!