What does your inner voice say about you?
We all have one. That voice in the back of our minds that tells us we are not good enough or strong enough or brave enough or creative enough, etc. That we will never get healthy and fit. That we are not a good enough mom. That says we shouldn’t like ourselves.
Well, as Alberto says in the movie “Luca”, we need to tell that voice “Silencio Bruno!”. We get to choose what we say to ourselves. We get to tell ourselves that we are strong and brave and confident and beautiful and able to do hard things. That we are a good mom and a good person.

We get to decide, and yes, it will be hard. Somedays will be better than others. That voice can get pretty loud at times. It is something I am still working on. That inner voice will tell you that you can only be happy when you reach your goals, don’t listen! You can love yourself and want to better yourself. You get to decide.