4 Years Ago I Was Lost.

I felt like I was just going through the motions of my life. I was not happy with how I looked or felt and knew something had to change. I joined an online fitness community, started doing workouts in my living room, eating better, and doing personal development. 4 years later and one more addition to my family, and I am still here in my living room, finding myself, for me and my family. I am not a nutritionist, fitness guru or expert at really anything, expect maybe doing funny voices when reading with my 2 year old. 🙂 But I have come to know that your health is worth investing in. Especially as a mom. That is why I have made my health my JOB. It makes me more accountable to take care of myself. It is more than just weight loss, it is learning to love myself again.

Follow me on Instagram at @tishc_fitness as I share my journey on loving myself while still working on myself.